Many things come to mind when you hear the word "Pagan." While some hear the word and think something negative, those in the University of Massachusetts Amherst Spirals (Student Pagans Integrating Religion and Live Spiratually) group come together to find others with similar beliefs and ideals.
Sara Lovetti, a member of Spirals, writes the group's blog.
"The word 'Pagan' is an umbrella term to describe anyone who worships a polytheistic or earth-based religion," wrote Lovetti.
According to Campus Pulse, the mission of Spirals "includes building a community for UMass undergraduate Pagans and anyone else who wants to learn about paganism and related subjects. We also act as a resource, referral, information, and networking center with the Pioneer Valley collegiate, Pagan communities, and beyond. This organization shall work to educate students and the community about Paganism and other spiritual and religious beliefs."
James Potter, who was elected president of the group, has considered himself a Pagan for about a year and a half.
"I always had the beliefs, but they weren't completely hashed out," said Potter. "I discovered Spirals when I came to college, and I found people with the same beliefs."
Potter's favorite parts of the group are the bigger rituals: Samhain, the basis of Halloween, and Imbolg, the basis of Candlemass. These are two of the eight major Pagan holidays.
The group meets every Thursday from 6:30-9 pm in the Campus Center, and the room may vary. For more information, you can visit the group's blog, which is updated after each meeting.
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